Fund 2015: Recipient Updates – Thairish Cafe


This March we launched our first ever funding scheme with a pot of £15,000 that was shared between nine projects from Levenshulme residents who were chomping at the bit to do something new that coincided with our social aims – exploring new ideas for our high street or creating or growing their own retail enterprises. All our winners have now received their funding and have been beavering away getting their projects off the ground over the last six months and have agreed to share their progress with us…and you! So over the last few weeks we have been sharing updates from each of our winning projects on what they have been up to since March and how they have spent their funding so far.

Our next update comes from Levenshulme institution Thairish Café (previously Isis), who applied for funds to make their business an even more desirable destination on the high street – owner Bernadette Fallon gave us this update:

The funds Thairish Cafe received for improvements have been used wisely, firstly the toilet was completely ripped out and revamped making it lighter and more pleasant to use. Secondly we had the floor completely sanded and varnished, the main walls of the cafe have been painted and refreshed.
The outside of the cafe if still to be completed but is already looking much brighter and a more appealing place to be on the high street. We receive lots of complimentary comments from customers and market traders on how much the cafe has improved and its all thanks to the Levenshulme market fund.


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