Big changes for 2014

We are delighted to formally announce that, subject to planning and licensing confirmation, as of March 2014 Levenshulme Market will commence operations as a weekly Saturday market – the date of the first market will be confirmed soon.

Obviously, there are a number of issues still to be confirmed and we have now begun a pre-planning application consultation process that we hope will address any issues that may affect the community or the shopping environment in Levenshulme. Traders on the high street in Levenshulme immediately around the car park area have had an invitation to attend a meeting with us where they can give feedback on any issues they feel will need addressing and market traders have had an email advising them of the changes and our plans for the transition.

There will also be an opportunity for all Levenshulme residents to hear more about our plans at an open meeting to be held at 6pm on Saturday 25th January at The Klondyke Club – further information will be available on this event shortly.

In the mean time, if you have any questions or we can help with anything at all then please do feel free to get in touch by emailing

As you can imagine, we’re very excited about the opportunities that developing the market will bring to Levenshulme and we hope you are too – more detail will follow!

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