As we enter our fifth year of operation Levenshulme Market is embarking on a new era as we build on our successes to develop into a sustainable organisation that will serve our community for many years to come. Over the last five years we have run over a hundred markets in Levenshulme, on University campuses and beyond; we were in the finals of the BBC Food and Farming Awards; we funded local residents £15,000 to try out their high street improvement ideas and we are now firmly established at the heart of our community. In order to strengthen and broaden our expertise we are now looking to appoint a new Director with the following specialism to join our board:
• Director (finance and HR)
Directors of the Market have specialist areas that they provide guidance on to the Market Manager and the operations team and report to the board when we meet every month for two hours. Each Director also takes a rotated position for six months every two years as the Director (operations – rotating), whereby they will work more closely with the staff to understand the processes by which the market is run, take overall responsibility for meetings and act as a line manager to the Market Manager.
The Directors of the Market are unpaid. However, on occasion, where a Director is well suited to an operational task that is above the remit of a staff member, they may be paid to complete this task at an hourly rate which is above the Living Wage. We want to work with people who are passionate about Levenshulme and the Market, who live in the area, and have the drive and excitement to make things better.
If you are interested in joining us please read the descriptions of the posts at the links above and email in the first instance with a summary of your background, suitability to the role and why you would like to be involved. Applicants should live or work in Levenshulme. We look forward to hearing from you.