Our next market at the University of Manchester will be held on Tuesday 27th September 2016, 11.30am to 2.30pm, on Bridgeford Street M15 6FH. You can find us just off Oxford Road, next to the Manchester Museum.
Last week’s foodie market at UoM, our very first of the new academic year, went so well that we’ve decided – what the heck, let’s do one every Tuesday until Christmas! That’s right, we’ll be cheering up a drab Tuesday lunch with spectacular street food EVERY WEEK from now on.
So, if you’re studying or staffing at the uni, or you happen to be in town with a case of the mega munchies, get over to Bridgeford Street before 2.30pm and have a right ‘ole feast. Here’s the full trader-list for the week, plus a teasing taster of all the goodies below…