Hello one and all! This is just a swift, front page, can’t miss it, please-don’t-show-up-and-get-annoyed reminder that there will be noooooooooooooooooo markets at Levy this weekend.
We had originally intended that we do a night market on 30th May but the difficulties we had surrounding out licence (thankfully now resolved) made this tricky to organise in such a way that we felt would show off what we’re all about to you all and – since the start of June marks the start of our summer season and we have absolutely LOADS of exciting stuff planned for the summer (including TWO night markets!) – we thought it was a good time to take a break and recharge our batteries.
SO! Try to stop crying, we know it’s a terrible blow, and REMEMBER that we will be BACK-A-TRON on Saturday 7th June with an absolutely amazing feast for the senses in the form our our first SUMMER 2014 market – a handmade and home theme but featuring lots of food and drink, street food, entertainment and a bar too – lots of details of that event and other exciting summer stuff very very soon.