It’s nearly night market time! Join us for a big bouncy Reggae Night Market on Friday 14th June 2019, 5-9pm, on the Levenshulme train station car park, M19 3AB.
It’s summertime and the BBQs are coming out, so what better time to chuck some ace reggae beats and sizzling jerk flavour into the mix for our next night market? It’s a big reggae party, and you’re all invited!
Come along for lip-smacking Caribbean food, joining a whole line up of fabulous street food traders. The Market Bar are slinging the drinks, we’ve got top night-time shopping from a raft of amazing stalls and the dancefloor will be heaving thanks to our special guest DJ – Manchester legend Ruf!
Take a look at our fabulous stall list, do your dances to the sun gods and get ready for a foodie car park party like no other!