Throughout October we’re partnering with Every Month, a charity that puts together period packs those experiencing poverty in Greater Manchester.
Every Month believe that menstrual products are a necessity and not a luxury. However, there are so many people across the UK who cannot afford this necessity. So Every Month put together packs of tampons, pads, liners and other products for those most in need.
However, due to the Covid-19 crisis they aren’t able to buy stock in the quantities that are needed.
BUT you can help. Throughout October, before you head down to the market, why not take a moment to pick up a box of menstrual pads, non-applicator tampons and applicator tampons or other menstrual products. Then you can bring them along and drop them off at the donation point we’ll have here at the market on the following dates:
- Saturday 3rd October, 10-4pm
- Saturday 10th October, 10-4pm
- Saturday 17th October, 10-4pm
- Saturday 24th October, 10-4pm
- Saturday 31st October, 10-4pm
By donating, you’ll be helping Every Month continue their vital work supplying their essential packs to those using the food banks, charities and organisations.
If you’re not able to get to the market, you can still help Every Month with their work. Here’s how.